Online roulette is one of the most popular games available on the internet, yet some gamblers need a little more incentive to bet it all on black. To help produce more excitement about the games, casinos began offering roulette tournaments that regularly draw hundreds of players from across the globe who try to win it big at their favorite game.
One of the biggest online roulette tournaments to date is currently going on at the Millionaire Casino, and players are coming down to the wire to hit it big. Running through the end of the month, the Wheel Deal American Roulette Tournament is proving to be a hotly contested event for the popular online casino.
Thanks to the unique tournament structure, gamers may want to vary their typical roulette strategies in order to maximize their chances of taking home that top prize.
One method that works better for tournament play than regular cash games is the Grand Martingale. For this strategy, gamers will double their bets for each round. The idea being that whatever losses one takes will be covered by an double-up win, and any streak will result in steady gains.