Online gamblers tend to be among the most tech savvy individuals around, and with the burgeoning mobile gaming market, punters have been paying particular attention to the mobile technology sector. While there are many hot devices out there that online gamblers would love to get their hands on, there is no item quite as desired as the iPad 2, and fans of online roulette will have the chance to take home the high-tech gadget thanks to a new promotion at Casino Room.
Beginning today, the site will launch an endurance promotion for their online roulette games, with the player who clocks the most time at the virtual wheel between now and April 30 taking home the much lauded tablet computer for themselves.
Players will be able to keep track of their progress, and more importantly that of their competitors’, on the site’s Real Time Casino Leaderboard. The board calculates totals at the end of each day, so players will have to wait until midnight to see where they stand in the competition.
The company will also launch similar competitions for a number of its other games including virtual baccarat and blackjack.