Celebrities, corporations and politicians have joined together in order to legalize online gaming in the U.S. To further their cause, PlayPokerOnline.com has established FairPlay USA, which illustrates exactly how they believe online gaming should operate.
Advocates can access FairPlay USA online and sign a petition to show their support. They can also share some of their ideas which they believe will help Congress legalize the practice. The organization’s executive director, Marisa McNee, explains that this will be the focal point where people are able to get their opinions out there.
Not only is the organization looking to legalize online gaming, but it is outlining exactly what needs to go into the regulation of it. This way, no children will be able to access the site, which is one of the biggest concerns for those who do not support it.
If online gaming is legalized than players will be able to access all of their favorite games again including poker, roulette, slots, craps and blackjack.